I got my first blogger award! This is so cool! I was thrilled having such an award. hahaahah! Thank you Pinx for the friendship and for this beautiful reward.
Do you want to get this award? Here are the simple mechanics.
The Rules: Be sure to thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
* Share 7 things about yourself.
* Pass the award to other bloggers who you think deserves it.
* Be sure to let the bloggers know you chose them to receive the award
So, here are the 7 things about me:
1. I am a Christian by faith.
2. A bass player that uses her talents for God's glory
3. I NEED A JOB! Hahahaah :)
4. I was an I.T. Instructor
5. I love to eat
6. Chocolates and strawberrys are my favorite match
7. Again, I NEED A JOB! hahahahahahhahaha
Now that I have this rockin' award, I would love to pass it to Pace Through Life, ♥Jenpaul♥, ♥shybutterfly♥, Eisha, Klayeblayk, Grace.
Thank you so much for this. I would've loved to give it to you if you haven't already had one. :)
thank you so much for this!!~_~i was thrilled as well..:) hahah..
Thank u for the award! :) This is the 4th time somebody's given me the same award and i'm so deeply touched! i don't know if i deserve it but i appreciate it a lot! I'll just edit my post and add u as one of the presenters of the award ok? :)
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