Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A simple request that was answered while praying

I was washing the dishes one morning when I heard the gate opening. I looked over the window and saw Mama with a cake in hand. She bought this for her post birthday celebration at her school. As she was entering, I was making my breath prayer, "Lord, I hope mama brought some cake for us." I was shocked and amazed by what happened next. In the midst of my request, mama excitedly handed me a plastic with 4 chocolate brownies inside. Wow! Thank you Lord for the wonderful gift. =)


KlayeBlayk said...

Wow. That is so cool. :) A promise come true:

Isaiah 65:24 (New International Version)

24 Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.

Anonymous said...

amen to that klaye.=)